Fjallhalla Adventurers recommends that all our hikers take the Icelandic Pledge before coming to Iceland. ‘The Icelandic Pledge’, is a unique ‘oath’ for tourists, agreeing to respect Iceland’s nature and to travel responsibly during their visit.
I pledge to be a responsible tourist
When I explore new places, I will leave them as I found them
I will take photos to dies for, without dying for them
I will follow the road into the unknown, but never venture off the road
And I will only park where I am supposed to
When I sleep out under the stars, I’ll stay within a campsite
And when nature calls, I won’t answer the call on nature
I will be prepared for all weathers, all possibilities and all adventures
Kennitala: 4304140970
VSK númer: 129803
+354 547 9999
Hlíðasmári 10, 201 Kópavogur